What Is News?
News is information about current events that are conveyed to the public quickly and accurately. It usually is gathered through electronic media, such as TV and radio, but can also be found in newspapers and magazines and on the Internet. People have long received the news through these channels, but new technologies and methods are revolutionizing how it is delivered and accessed.
The news typically deals with current events that affect a large number of people. Whether a stock market crash that wipes out the savings of many investors or a natural disaster that disrupts the lives of entire communities, the news will be covered on TV and in the newspaper, or broadcast on the radio or through other electronic media.
News stories are often dramatic, involving good and bad characters and with clear-cut good and bad outcomes. This makes them interesting to readers. For example, a story about a robbery in a convenience store will include who was robbed (the good guys) and who did the robbing (the bad guys). In addition to drama, news stories often have a sense of urgency to them. This may be because of the need to provide the most accurate information possible, but also because news is a fast-moving industry.
A story about a celebrity, a famous politician or other prominent figure is of interest to the public because it will likely involve their personal life and their activities. It is particularly newsworthy when these individuals make decisions that go against public opinion or are involved in scandals or lawsuits. The news also contains information about the arts, such as the progress of theatre and cinema, music, painting and carving. It also covers business developments, such as the launch of a new product or the acquisition of a company.
It is important to note that the news is not necessarily unbiased, as it is subject to the interests and biases of those who create it. This is because the news is produced by a commercial enterprise that has to please its advertisers and shareholders in order to stay in business. This can lead to distortions in the news, which is why it is important to read multiple sources of information to get a balanced picture of what is happening.
Another key aspect of the news is that it must be recent. It doesn’t do a newspaper any good to report on events that happened a week ago. It’s even worse when a story from the previous day is repeated on the next morning’s TV news. This is why it’s important to use a variety of electronic news sources, including local TV and radio, as well as newspapers and magazines. The end of this LAMPLit contains a list of resources to help students learn more about the history and process of news reporting and writing.