The Philosophy of Technology
Despite the ubiquity of technology in everyday life, many people do not take its significance seriously. However, a better understanding of the technology that we use everyday can be a catalyst for a career in technology. Technology is the result of an intentional action, often accompanied by a process of deliberation, to create an artifact that serves a specific purpose.
A good example of a technological process is the creation of a computer, which consists of a series of translational steps to get from the initial idea to the finished product. Software is the programmable programs that a computer uses to function. A computer is a device that is capable of performing a wide variety of tasks, such as data processing, computer science, and digital imaging. The end product is something that is both useful and reusable. Most software is a tool to make tasks easier and more efficient.
Technology has also been the subject of philosophical reflection. The earliest such work comes from ancient Greece, with Aristotle’s doctrine of the four causes being a notable early contribution. In his Physics II.8, Aristotle mentions the four causes of an object to explain its teleological character. In modern discussions, the doctrine is still relevant, as it helps explain how and why an artifact functions as a technical object.
During the Industrial Revolution, the philosophy of technology was in full swing. Samuel Butler’s Erewhon was written during this period, under the influence of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. The characters in the novel believe that technological improvements would lead to dominance in the future. The novel was a work of fiction, and is set in a fictional country where machines were banned. In the novel, the characters believe that ongoing technological improvements would result in machines that would dominate the world.
A number of philosophers have made claims that technology is a force for good, even if technology itself does not have a lot of intrinsic moral agency. Some argue that technology has a social, political, and ethical role to play. Others have suggested that technology should be democratized to allow the ordinary citizen to participate in technological innovation.
The best technology discovery process, however, has not yet been elucidated. However, there are a few principles of technology that deserve close examination. These include the technical fix and the artifactual process. The technical fix is a process that solves a problem. The artifactual process is a series of translational steps, often in a structured way, that lead toward a desired state.
Several technological innovations are notable for their role as cultural forces. For example, the Montgolfiere hot air type, invented by French brothers in 1782, has been subject to competitive pressure for several years. Similarly, the invention of digital cameras has deprioritized analogue photography. The invention of the TV, however, was the opposite of the technical fix, as it was a product that hypnotized people with constant visual stimulation.
Other technological innovations, such as a Martian balloon, have been subject to competitive pressure for a decade. Similarly, many software applications are aimed at delivering entertainment. However, many engineers believe that their work is more about problem-solving than it is about providing a product or service.